10 books that have changed/inspired me

My Facebook friends had challenged me to write the name of 10 books that have changed/influenced me. I successfully completed the challenge. I thought I should share with my blogger friends too.
So the list goes:
1. David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)- I had read this book for the first time in fifth standard. This was the first book that gave me an insight about life, the reality.

2. Love Story (Erich Segal)- I love reading romance. This is one of the reasons why.

3. Till the last breath (Durjoy Datta)- My first experience of a medical drama and it was phenomenal. This taught me that love is not all about what we see in stereotypical Bollywood romantic movies, there is something more deep-rooted

4. The Fault in our Stars (John Green)- Love has no terms and condition

5. Hold my hand ( Durjoy Datta )- Ditto as 4

6. Feluda Series (Satyajit Ray)- This series has aroused a great interest in me towards detective fictions.

7. Aporajito (Bihutibhushan Bandhopadhyay)- I am a Bengali so I should have an interest towards my native culture and great books like this one has intensified my interest.

8. A Prisoner of Birth (Jeffrey Archer)- A phenomenal thriller. Kept me grasped in its charm and suspense till the very end. A very reason for Jeffrey Archer being one of my favourite authors

9. Shobuj Deeper Raja {king of the green island} (Sunil Gangopadhyay)

10. Wings of fire ( A.P.J. Abdul Kalam )- It gave me an outlining knowledge regarding rocket science and is a great inspiration for the readers to keep struggling to reach the ultimate goal.

    0 thoughts on “10 books that have changed/inspired me

    1. It’s a beautiful list – I’m putting Durjoy Datta on my readings-to-do :). Your description has peaked my interest. I would also recommend Atul Gawande’s Complications. Similar topic and great patient stories… Thanks for this!

      1. Thank u so much amit sir for your recomendation. Regarding Durjoy Datta Till the last breath and Hold my hand are really good. You might find his other books a little you know light and superficial. You can also try his latest book “When only love remains”. I don’t how it is cause I haven’t started reading it, I just bought it few days back. You can still try and tell me what’s your opinion about it

        1. Sure! I like starting with any author’s classics first so let me try till the last breath. Then maybe the latest one. Thanks again! I will definitely let you know

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