A Tale of two cities

At the end of every six months, after my semester exams are done, I fly homewards for a 20-day (end of odd semester) or 45-day (end of even semester) break. I fly from Bangalore to Siliguri which takes 4 hours. Around 1900 kilometers journey. Just yesterday I returned from my 21 day vacation. Tomorrow 4th semester begins. New semester, New phase of life. Got to spend six months before I see home. A Tale of Two Cities Continue reading A Tale of two cities


Like most of us, I too have some phobias.Β Most prevalent was my fear of darkness. This fear was unknowingly instilled in me. As a kid, whenever there would be a power cut, I would wander around house in the dark. Controlling me would be difficult, so our landlord’s sister used to scare me with stories of monsters that linger in the dark. From then on I was scared of darkness. As I grew up I realised there’s nothing called monsters but still there was this fear lingering around my psyche. I needed night lamps while sleeping. Even I’m in deep … Continue reading Phobia-shobia

My first childhood crush

I am always one of a kind. Many a times I react or act in a way that is unique. Many girls and boys in their early teens had crushes on somebody or the other. Many of my friends had crushes on a cute guy in the class, or a handsome senior or their siblings’/cousins’ friends. But I didn’t. I never found any boy around me worth having a crush on. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t have a crush AT ALL. The first time I had a crush when I was in my sixth grade of school. On … Continue reading My first childhood crush

Golden Era

If I had to live forever as either a child/adolescent/adult, I would have chosen to live as a child. Childhood happens to be the best phase of one’s life. A child’s life is the simplest of all humans. No complications, no tension, no worries. A child does not know what future is, too busy to sulk about the past. It lives the present and enjoys it to the fullest. All a child needs is food, sleep and lots of love and pampering…. I got a lot of pampering from my parents and my relatives as a kid. And I love … Continue reading Golden Era

Evergreen wish

I just turned 20 yesterday (30th August, 2015). Next year I will turn 21, then 22, on and on and on. As the years pass by, my youth will gradually slip away and someday my skin will be wrinkled 2-3 folds, no teeth, eyesight will be poor, my back will bend. I will be weak, lean, always needing someone’s help. Noooooooooooo. I don’t want this. NO. NEVER. Had the fountain of youth existed, I would have drank the water when the clock struck midnight the day I turned 16. I wish I could remain 16 forever….. Forever Young Continue reading Evergreen wish

Chattergy and Chattergy

Had my neighbor on the plane/bus/train been a chatty person, I would have been on alert for some time, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Some stranger trying to be too friendly. But once I’m convinced he/she is harmless, I may join in the ramble, cause I’m a talkative person as well! So maybe he/she could turn out to be my new bff, after all our existing friends we also strangers once upon a time πŸ˜‰ Middle Seat Continue reading Chattergy and Chattergy

Sweet 16!!

I was in my tenth grade of school the year I turned 16. It was my last year in my heaven (I changed my school in eleventh grade). The sixteen-year old me was carefree, impulsive with short temper. Talkative!! My teachers were tired of complaining to my parents. I was a rebellious kid. I was enjoying life. Enjoying school which was is in a festive mood that year as we were celebrating its 50th anniversary. The thing about me that I wish I could have changed was my short temper. The thing I wish hadn’t changed is my carefree nature. … Continue reading Sweet 16!!

My town Siliguri

I belong to a small town in the state of West Bengal in India. Named Siliguri. It’s on the foothills of the Darjeeling hills. It’s like any other Bengali city, but Siliguri isn’t as advanced as the capital city Kolkata. When I was a kid, the city didn’t have malls, multiplex movie theatres, clubs, or five star hotels. No discotheques even. Swimming pools were only in the two most luxurious three star hotels. The guests and members and people who subscribed for swimming training classes could use. The fees for training was high and the hotel is away from the … Continue reading My town Siliguri