In association with Audiobook Promotions, Crazykidjournal presents the blog tour of Two Thousand Years by M. Dalto
Month: March 2020
The Edge of Anything – Blog Tour – Book Review
In association with FFBC and Running Press Teen, Crazykidjournal hosts the blog tour of The Edge of Anything by Nora Shalaway Carpenter.
Frozen Beauty – Blog Tour – Book Review
Crazykidjournal, in association with FFBC Tours and HarperTeen, is proud to host the blog tour of Frozen Beauty by Lexa Hillyer.
You Are Not Alone – Book Review
A woman commits suicide in a metro station, an innocent bystander tries to save her but fails and in turn gets trapped in the worst conspiracy of her life.
Of Curses and Kisses – Book Review
A Beauty and the Beast retelling set in modern day Aspen.
Golden in Death – Book Review
Mysterious packages, spouses made scapegoats, what seems a harmless past becomes your present nightmare
The Girl with the Louding Voice – Book Review
You have a voice, make it heard, even if it is broken.
Spellhacker – Book Review
What happens when some chemical components dictate your life? What if that is censored and available only to the rich? What happens when your protector is actually the destroyer?
Loveboat, Taipei – Book Review
From a life bounded by rules to a summer without supervision, what happens when you taste freedom for the first time? First love, first blunder, first disappointment, first heartbreak. A fun-filled story with lots of self realization.