Deceived — Cover Reveal

My friend Heena Rathore P. is releasing her first novel Deceived and I’m honoured to reveal the book cover on my blog. She’s a wonderful writer and has also graciously agreed to be my wrying mentor. I’m really excited for this book, I’ve been waiting from the time she started writing it. Good luck buddie! May this book be a huge success.      PUBLISHING: FEBRUARY 2017 BY CITRUS PUBLISHERS   Blurb:   How well do you know your loved ones?   A girl who’s trying to cope with the murders of her mother and five-year-old brother. A journalist who is … Continue reading Deceived — Cover Reveal


I’ve noticed that I most of the time do something or the other to embarrass myself or the people around me, mostly being the people around me. My parents think whenever I speak in public, it’s only to embarrass them or ruin their reputation in the society. My friends get embarrassed because I speak (unknowingly) loudly or because at times I speak my heart out without thinking. Some think I use a fake girly tone of speaking, just because I’m expressive when I speak. Why is it when I speak, it becomes a nuisance? But if the same set of … Continue reading Embarrassing

Can I get a kilo of peace please?

I’m lacking peace in life. I left home looking for a new life and some peace of mind. I’m still looking for some peace, I haven’t found yet. Can anyone tell me where can I find peace? Don’t tell me in a bottle of alcohol, it tastes awful and I don’t wanna harm my precious liver. I desperately want some peace. Please help me find some, a kilo of it would do! With love, Priya…. Continue reading Can I get a kilo of peace please?

Can’t take it anymore

I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve lost all control on my temper, I feel dejected, my self esteem is running in negative. I feel lonely all the time. Nothing cheers me up for long. I’m irritated almost all the time, I burst out for no reason, any time, at anyone near me. There’s too much negativity around me. Too much psychological pressure on me. Can’t take it anymore. I hate waking up in the morning. I’m fed up of everything. Worst part, I don’t know what I actually want from life. This is spoiling my relationship with … Continue reading Can’t take it anymore


I sometimes wish I was born mute. Because whenever I speak I land up hurting or offending people. Many a times, I didn’t intend to hurt people but still they were hurt. The problem is that I often fail to understand what effect some words have on people; impulsive as I am, I speak whatever comes to my mind, later I realise how terrible I was. But till then the damage has been done. I have hurt family, friends, everyone. The most befitting punishment should be isolation. Complete isolation. Terrible people like me deserve neither family nor friends. All I … Continue reading Mute

Breaking free

Whenever I wrote something related to me and personally me, I had this constraint in me about what will people who know me think about me and other nonsense. But today I break off from all constraints… I have to get rid of all the pressure that’s killing me I’m the only child to a Bengali middle class businessman father and a homemaker mother. My Father is quite orthodox, mother…… I dunno, she is too stuck to the tradition that the wife should live in accordance with the husband’s demands. I belong to a huge family with plenty of uncles … Continue reading Breaking free


I dunno why, I’m feeling some sort of perpetual boredom….. It feels something is missing in life….. the worst part is I have no idea what. Today I feel all the more bored. I woke up in the morning with a feel of incompleteness. I blogged today like I do every Sunday. For a long time I sat quietly, listening to my favorite songs, trying to figure out what’s missing. I feel some emptiness. I don’t know what’s happening, neither do I know who can give the answer……. Continue reading Boredom