Its Autumn. Its festive time. Time for fun. But I am not happy. I am far away from family, friends. How can I enjoy the festive season in a completely foreign land ? Foreign not geographically, but linguistically and culturally. Once upon a time, I used to enjoy my festival with full enthusiasm. Terminal exams would be over. School closed. No tutorial class. So no studies. And for me festival means dressing up, roaming about the city, chatting and eating. Now, I am far away from home, exams knocking at the door, no signs of the festive enthusiasm in this alien city. Instead of enjoying, now I am sitting in my new residence, alone, with only two options: either I prepare for exams or I sit quietly, recollect the past and wait for the vacation to approach when I can finally see my family, my friends, my hometown after about five months. Everyone is trying to console me saying “chill”, “relax”, “to get something you need to lose something”, “success comes after sacrifice” etc. But how much ever people say, I need some time to get used to this change. I don’t know how long will it take, hope I can get over it soon. Actually, I never thought I will crave so much to go home. I thought I would get over the change very easily. But I was wrong……… very wrong……

I faced a same kind of situation 2 yrs back.. but now I m used to it.. nd I m sure u will also get used to it.. but again I never feel d same kind of excitement tht I used to feel during pujas.. guess its a part of growing up.. few things which mattered d most seems childish.. but I m sure.. every “grown up” in dis world miss this excitement..
Hmmmm. Maybe u r r8 or may be not