Writing 101

Writing 101 #2 – make a list

Things I like
— I like collecting. I can’t stop collecting the freebies with my favorite biscuits or cereal or even the McDonald’s Happy meal merchandise. I’m a numismatist and a philatelist.

—  I have a thing for miniature objects. I like pens smaller than normal, I have around 4-5 miniature diaries (God knows what I want to write in them). I like babies, I enjoy playing with them.

— I like buying and reading novels. Whenever I pass by a book store, I always have a strong temptation to buy at least one – I’m a book addict!!!!!

Ummm…. what else?…. This is getting really tricky!!!!

— talking about food, I like Indian and Chinese. Since Indian cuisine includes a number of sub-cuisines, I particularly like the Bengali and the Punjabi cuisine.

— I like watching Hindi movies but I sometimes I do watch world cinema for a change
— TV shows, I always prefer the American and British ones.
— Music, the soft, romantic ones (don’t ask me about technical genres)

OK that’s it for now, it’s gonna take a lifetime talking about what I like

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

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