Word of the week (WOW) 27th September, 2015

Word of the Week is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. It’s a fun way to learn new words every week.


To participate just make a post with your word and leave the link as a comment to Heena’s WOW post.


Logophile /noun/ log-uh-fyl

1. A lover of words
2. A person who enjoys having an expansive vocabulary.
3. A person who loves the way words interact with each other to create sentences.


First use: 1923
Origin: logo- + -phile


For more new words check out Heena’s page
Word Treasure

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

    0 comments on “Word of the week (WOW) 27th September, 2015”

    1. I love this word! Thanks, Priya… Guess I’m a logophile (starting WOW and all!) 🙂

      1. Ha-ha, and you are turning me into one 😀

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