Word of the Week (WOW) 12th July,2015

Word of the Week (WOW) is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. . It’s a fun way to improve vocabulary by learning new words every week.

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To participate, simply do a post with your word and leave a link to it as a comment on Heena’s WOW post





1. cheerful

2. marked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness


jo·cun·di·ty\jō-ˈkən-də-tē, jä-\ noun

 jo·cund·ly \ˈjä-kənd-lē, ˈjō-(ˌ)\ adverb



1. old friends engaged in jocund teasing


Synonyms : joyous,blithesome, festive, gay, gleeful, jocose, jocular, merry, jolly, jovial, laughing, mirthful, sunny



late Middle English: via Old French from Latin jocundus, variant (influenced by jocus ‘joke’) of jucundus ‘pleasant, agreeable’, from juvare ‘to delight’.

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

    0 comments on “Word of the Week (WOW) 12th July,2015”

    1. Good word, Priya. I considered this one myself when I was doing ‘J’. I didn’t use it in the end because my daughter, Louise, picked jubilant, which was too similar. :).

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