Word of the Week 18th March

Word of the Week (WOW) is a weekly meme created by @Heena Rathore P. ( It’s a fun way to improve vocubulary by learning new words every week.

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controvertible • \KAHN-truh-ver-tuh-bul\  • adjective
: capable of being disputed or opposed by reason

Origin: controversy.
First use: 1584

Did you know?
If you’re familiar with incontrovertible, you may have wondered about the existence of controvertible. Both words are direct descendants of controvert (“to dispute or oppose by reasoning”), which dates back to 1584 in English and itself derives from controversy. Controvertible was documented in print as early as 1610, and incontrovertible turned up around thirty years later. Controversy comes to us (through Anglo-French) from the Latin controversus, meaning “disputable,” and can ultimately be traced back to the Latin contro- (“against”) and versus, the past participle of vertere (“to turn”).

If you would like to check out more interesting words then visit Heena’s page:

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

    0 comments on “Word of the Week 18th March”

    1. I can see this as a useful word when talking or writing about law cases and such like. 🙂

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