
The Legend of the Washo Gold — Book Review

The Legend of the Washo Gold — Book Review

*I received an e-ARC from the publisher in exchange of an honest review*


To prevent a repeat of the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, Hank, a modern day Native American Indian, overcomes his doubts about his tribe’s ancient religion and leads a war party to recover a cursed Indian treasure.

Succumbing to the genocide brought down upon them during the infamous 1849 California Gold Rush, the Washo Indians were teetering on the brink of extinction. With the help of a mysterious stranger, they devised an ingenious plan to survive. Many years later, when the secret of their survival is threatened, the tribe appoints a modern day warrior to lead a war party to San Francisco to recover stolen Indian treasure and secure the secret of the Washo Gold.

This novel enables the reader to experience the infamous 1849 California Gold Rush from the perspective of a tribe of Native American Indians who lived through it.


The folklore, that is the centre of attraction of this book, is quite interesting, eerie and exotic. The first few chapters are bit confusing as each chapter brings in a new character, a new side story, so that tends to put the reader on a slump. But once these converge into the central story-line, it will catch the reader’s attention. The clash between folklore and reality and also heritage and greed has been very impressively depicted in this book.

It feels good to read folklores from different nooks and corners of the world so that’s the plus point of the theme chosen. Its rustic, queer and altogether fantastical.

My Rating- 3.9/5 🌟

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

    0 comments on “The Legend of the Washo Gold — Book Review”

    1. Jon Budd says:

      Your reviewed the wrong version of the book – the version you reviewed is not the final, official version. the final version has blue eyes on the cover – not red – I don’t understand how you reviewers keep getting the wrong versions. It is very frustrating.
      Jon Budd – author

      1. Priya B says:

        I am sorry sir, I did not know. I got the version the publicist gave me. The cover picture was not included with the ebook. The picture was there on Goodreads

      2. Priya B says:

        If you could provide me with the new cover picture, I can replace it. I think the publicist has given me the correct version but since I was not given the cover picture, that is where the confusion lies

        1. jon budd says:

          Thanks – see attached.

          From: crazykidjournal To: Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 1:24 PM Subject: [New comment] The Legend of the Washo Gold — Book Review #yiv1216738877 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv1216738877 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv1216738877 a.yiv1216738877primaryactionlink:link, #yiv1216738877 a.yiv1216738877primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv1216738877 a.yiv1216738877primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv1216738877 a.yiv1216738877primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv1216738877 Priya B commented: “If you could provide me with the new cover picture, I can replace it. I think the publicist has given me the correct version but since I was not given the cover picture, that is where the confusion lies” | |

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