
The Biblio Box Customized Package

The Biblio Box Customized Package

My second book box!!! This has been curated by @thebibliobox.
This is a customised box… I chose the theme (at the end I myself got confused what the theme I had chosen πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but they understood something and curated this) and budget.
I guess I should have asked for one book and more merchandise. But two books are good for the bibliophile me.

I’m a kid from the perspective that I like goodies, anything that I can collect or decorate, so the more you give me that, happier I am.

It’s good enough…
The two books they’ve given me are very new to me cause I haven’t read any of these authors’ books. I really liked the metallic Dragon bookmark and the magnetic bookmark with a tiny pen. I got an Oscars bookmark, that’s really unique, so even I got an Oscar, yay😁😁😁!!!

There’s a Hercule Poirot silhouette bookmark and Sherlock Holmes card!Β  These stuffs I need to preserve them nicely so they don’t get soiled.
The t-shirt is too huge for me πŸ˜…, I had asked for a medium sized one, they, by mistake, have given me a large sized. I don’t have a cushion that would fit the cover they’ve given but I can figure out an alternative…

I dunno what I had expected, even I cannot explain, but I’m contended. These people from “The Biblio Box” took a lot of trouble. Bearing with my choices tantrum, solving my payment problem and my incessant messages πŸ˜…. So I would like to applaud πŸ‘them for that.

Many people say Book Box in India isn’t comparable to what is available abroad. But let me tell you, this industry is just blooming. How many Indians indulge in some creative industry? Very few. So one cannot just compare… Even I love the boxes that Owlcrate and Fairyloot create every month, but the amount I would have had to pay is double the price I paid for this! I can easily get one more.
Also I being unemployed, I do not have an international credit card, so even if I want to, I cannot procure them… So I’m happy with the Indian versions 😊😊😊…

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

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