Writing 101 #1 – Why do I write?

As the first assignment of Writing 101 course, The Daily Post asked a million dollar question – “Why do I write?” I write because…… There are times when everything goes wrong, and your heart and mind just cannot take the pressure. Also in the flow of venting, you might land up offending your friend or someone from the family. That’s when writing and your journal or blog or your novel become your friends. Your journal/novel or your blog takes in every bit of your emotions, tantrums, nagging. It never complains, it never wants anything in return, all it gives is … Continue reading Writing 101 #1 – Why do I write?

Announcement of JunoWrimo Participation

https://heenarathorep.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/10941850_10205319703019446_9177624029504962049_n.jpg A 30-Day Writing Adventure JuNoWriMo (http://junowrimo.com/) is June Novel Writing Month, started by Becca J. Campbell and Anna Howard to have a slightly different take on a month long noveling adventure. For starters, you don’t have to write fiction (You can write creative non-fiction, so bring on the funny/meaningful memoirs or whatever else), write a new work (Did you write 5 pages last month and you can’t get going? That’s okay, write the next 50,000 words with us!), or work on all one piece (Want to write short stories? Knock out 5 of 10K words each, and you’re there!). … Continue reading Announcement of JunoWrimo Participation

Journey of being a writer

The idea of writing my own fiction crept up my cranky brain when I was in 8th standard i.e about 5 years ago, when all of a sudden our English teacher came to the class and asked us to write a short fiction in forty minutes. We were given to choose the genre but at the same time we were confined to the opening line given by her. I was so confused and unprepared. WHAT TO WRITE ?????????? Time was running out and I just wrote something. And yes, it was disastrous. Now when I read it, I realise. It … Continue reading Journey of being a writer