Birthday…… It happens to be the happiest day of every person’s life. For me it used to be the most precious and grandest day of my life. My birthday used to be celebrated like a festival. After all I am the only child of my parents, so obviously my dad will do this for me. I would be so excited that used to start counting days a month in advance. I would go shopping with mom on the eve of my birthday (actually my shopping would begin a fortnight in advance). I would wait till midnight for calls and messages. On the main day, there would be a small party with friends in school. In the evening all my relatives and friends would come up and celebrate my birthday. The whole day would be filled with gifts, chocolates, gossips, music and of course food. Till last year my birthday would be the best day of the year. But now……. Everything has changed. I have shifted to another city. Alone. Leaving behind my family, friends, bringing with me only those memories. This year my birthday didn’t seem like my birthday. For the first time I felt so lonely, so isolated. No mom and granny to cook my favourite dishes. No dad for me to pull his leg for again not uttering the words “Happy Birthday” to me. No friends to party hard with. Suddenly the day turned so weird. Yes, I do have new friends. But those years were different and this year is completely different. I couldn’t let go of the past. I just cried and cried. Mom and granny tried their best to console me. One of my childhood buddies tried to make me laugh and make me feel that everything is normal. Nothing had changed. But…… I couldn’ t see them. I just could hear them over the phone. Then how come nothing has changed ? I consoled myself thinking that after two months i will be visiting them. So what if it’s only for a fortnight.