When was the last time I wrote something by hand? Asks the daily post. Ummmmmmmmmmm…………. Yes……. It was just yesterday!! And what did I write????…
Author: Priya Bhowal
You have never acknowledged my existence, nor I yours. But you are a circus act all of your own and I cannot help but be…
Happy Birthday
Crazykidjournal turns one!!!!!! Not only CKJ turns one, the blogger me too turns one. YIPPIE!!!!!! Thanks to all those who guided me, advised me and…
Word of the week (WOW) 6th September, 2015
Word of the Week is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. It’s a fun way to learn new words every week. To participate…
Inside the bubble
Had I been quarantined for a contiguous disease, I would spend my quarantine period doing only one thing. READING !!!!! ๐๐ That’s the only entity…
My first childhood crush
I am always one of a kind. Many a times I react or act in a way that is unique. Many girls and boys in…
The world is not a wish granting factory -“The fault in our stars ” by John Green
Golden Era
If I had to live forever as either a child/adolescent/adult, I would have chosen to live as a child. Childhood happens to be the best…
Evergreen wish
I just turned 20 yesterday (30th August, 2015). Next year I will turn 21, then 22, on and on and on. As the years pass…
Word of the Week (WOW) 30th August, 2015
Word of the Week is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. It’s a fun way to learn new words every week. To participate…