Songaholic :-P

This year I seem to be drunk on books. One after the other I go on reading…… When I am not on books I’m found on songs. Romantic songs…. those romantic Bollywood songs, that make you feel “fairy tale”-ish……….. I imagine myself waltz around in the rain with an imaginary partner <3 <3 <3 Right now I'm high on "main hoon hero tera", by Salman Khan. Wait I'm high even on Armaan Malik's version. Same song, two singers; doesn't make much of a difference on my "high"ness. I don’t think I ever got over the hangover of  Galliyan Banjara, in … Continue reading Songaholic 😛

Word of the Week (WOW) 16th August, 2015

Word of the Week is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. It’s a fun way to learn new words every week. To participate just make a post with your word and leave the link as a comment to Heena’s WOW post. Discombobulate \verb\dis-kom-BOB-yah-late\ 1. Cause to be confused emotionally Synonyms: bemuse, bewilder, throw 2. Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly Example: these questions discombobulate even the experts Synonyms: baffle, beat, befuddle, bedevil, bewilder, confound, confuse, dumbfound, flummox, puzzle, fuddle, vex, stupefy Derived Discombobulation : noun Discombobulated : adjective Antonyms recombobulate Etymology 1834 … Continue reading Word of the Week (WOW) 16th August, 2015

Word of the Week (WOW) 9th August, 2015

Word of the Week (WOW) is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. It’s a fun way to improve vocabulary by learning new words every week To participate, simply do a post with your WOD and leave the link as a comment to Heena’s WOW post Savant \noun\ sa-vahnt \ 1. a person with great knowledge and ability 2. a person who is less intelligent than others but who has particular unusual abilities that other people do not have 3. Someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field Synonyms = initiate, learned person, pundit Origin French, … Continue reading Word of the Week (WOW) 9th August, 2015

The Liebster Award

Thanks to my dear friend Pari for nominating me for this award The rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you. Display the award on your blog. Answer all the questions given to you by your nomination. Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer Questions from Pari: 1. You are teleported to the land of the last book you read. How screwed are you? Very much screwed. The book I finished up a few hours ago was “Chronicle of a death foretold” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The book left me … Continue reading The Liebster Award

Word of the Week (WOW) 2nd August, 2015

Word of the Week (WOW) is a weekly meme created by Heena Rathore P. . It’s a fun way to improve vocabulary by learning new words every week. To participate, simply do a post with your word and leave a link to it as a comment on Heena’s WOW post clinomania \ noun \ klin-oh-mayn-ee-ah \ 1. an obsession with bed rest. 2. love to bed, pillows and blankets Example 1. I have clinomania, once I cuddle up on my bed to sleep, I just hate waking up. During exams, I feel like sleeping the whole day!!! If you would … Continue reading Word of the Week (WOW) 2nd August, 2015