Word of the Week 13th March

Word of the Week (WOW) is a weekly meme created by @Heena Rathore P. ( It’s a fun way to improve vocubulary by learning new words every week.

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nonage • \NAHnij\  • noun

1 : minority 2 a : a period of youth b : lack of maturity

Origin: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from non- + age age.
First use: 15th century
Synonyms: childhood, springtime, youth
Antonyms: adulthood

Did you know?

Minority, majority; infancy, adulthood; nonage, full age—here you have the three contrasting pairs that constitute the vocabulary of legal age. Minority, infancy, and nonage are synonyms that mean “the state or time of being under legal age.” Majority, adulthood, and full age mean “the state or time of being of legal age.” (All these words, particularly infancy and adulthood, have other meanings as well, of course.) Nonage came to us by way of Middle English from an Anglo-French union of non- and age, which combine to mean “not of age.”

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

    0 comments on “Word of the Week 13th March”

    1. This is another word that has a nice old-fashioned ring to it. I love these old sounding words, Priya.:)

    2. Good word! It’s one I’ve heard (or probably read) before, but not one that I’ve ever really thought about. 🙂

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