
I sometimes wish I was born mute. Because whenever I speak I land up hurting or offending people. Many a times, I didn’t intend to hurt people but still they were hurt. The problem is that I often fail to understand what effect some words have on people; impulsive as I am, I speak whatever comes to my mind, later I realise how terrible I was. But till then the damage has been done. I have hurt family, friends, everyone. The most befitting punishment should be isolation. Complete isolation. Terrible people like me deserve neither family nor friends. All I … Continue reading Mute

The story of a poor little bird

There is a little bird Who loves to do chirpy chirp-chirp Loves to soar high up in the sky Sometimes she is nervous, sometimes scared But still she moves ahead But she has no friends With whom she could chirp or play hide-and-seek No one to crack jokes with No one to cry out worries or share deepest of secrets Whenever she tries to make friends They move away with least attention She cries and cries And no one cares to wipe off those tears She keeps waiting and waiting and waiting With open hands, ready to be held tight … Continue reading The story of a poor little bird