You don’t need to be an actress to feel like a star! The Style Diary of a Bollywood Diva by Kareena Kapoor
Category: Uncategorized
You have never acknowledged my existence, nor I yours. But you are a circus act all of your own and I cannot help but be…
The world is not a wish granting factory -“The fault in our stars ” by John Green
Waiting for somebody
Someday I will have a best friend all my own. One I can tell my secrets to. One who will understand my jokes without my…
The Liebster Award
Thanks to my dear friend Pari for nominating me for this award The rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you. Display the award on your…
Sometimes I feel like going on writing. But most of the time I don’t get a theme to write on. o_O Damn!!!
Announcement of JunoWrimo Participation A 30-Day Writing Adventure JuNoWriMo ( is June Novel Writing Month, started by Becca J. Campbell and Anna Howard to have a slightly different…
26 beautiful words from A to Z you need to use more often
Writing to a newspaper
My first newspaper article. Short but sweet and extra special The Telegraph t2, 22nd April,2015
Some super cool addition to Vocabulary
Just check this out people. Here are some super cool that you should make a part of your vocabulary !!!!