A haiku form of poetry
Author: Priya Bhowal
A Tanka form of poetry
He looked at the sky, and then at his crops “Maybe I could persuade Him for rain“, and he slit his throat…
They say donate an organ, save a life. I gave him my heart, and saved my own
When we held hands, we promised the friendship was forever… Then life happened, and forever became never…
A short story
This morning I woke up to a loud, piteous wailing. I rushed to the window to see that a man was beating up a dog…
Kapoor & sons
Last Saturday, after getting completely irritated and frustrated by practical exams, I went for a movie with my mother. Hindi film– “Kapoor & sons (since…
Can I get a kilo of peace please?
I’m lacking peace in life. I left home looking for a new life and some peace of mind. I’m still looking for some peace, I…
Can’t take it anymore
I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve lost all control on my temper, I feel dejected, my self esteem is running in negative.…
How I landed up in Bangalore
I was in 9th standard when I came across a subject called Biotechnology. An introduction to it was given in our Environmental Science textbook. The…