
Who am I?

Who am I?

I am angry 

I am anxious 

I am misunderstood 

I am lonely 

I am lost 

I am depressed 

I am addicted to stress 

I am unheard 

I am unloved 

I am not respected 

I am wronged 

I am a failure 

I am toxic 

I am an attention-seeker 

I am bad omen 

I overshare

I overthink 

I overfeel 

I overcare 

I overreact 

I overhurt 

I overhate self   

I overlove  them

I need a break…

From pain 

From despondency 

From anxiety 

From loneliness 

From betrayal 

From burden 

From my brain 

From my heart 

From myself 

I do not know myself! 

Who am I? 

A personified doormat? 

An imposter of a wordsmith? 

A useless blabbermouth? 

An infuriatingly rude jackass? 

A career guineapig who wants to run ‘away’ from the rat race? 

Who is tired of failing over and over and over again? 

Who is tired of being mediocre? 

A purposeless loudmouth? 

A penniless shopaholic? 

A pretentious bibliophile? 

A depressed pessimist delusion-ridden baboon? 

Who am I???

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

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