Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoy books that have kickass female characters. Women are not always supposed to be damsels in distress, they too can be knights in shining armour.
Celaena has become a role model for me — she feels scared but she knows how to come out of it and win in life. She is witty and fast, she is everything I want to be.
I wish Dorian could be more headstrong. If he’s against his father, he should have the guts to stand up for his own opinions.
Though Chaol is just a guard, he still carries a slight air of a Lord. Nehemia looks timid but she’s no less powerful.
That’s what I loved about this book, the female characters are no less, at times even better, than the males.
I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series.