The Dream Peddler – Book Review

The Dream Peddler by Martin Fournier Watson

About the book

Title : The Dream Peddler

Author : Martin Fournier Watson

Date published : 09 April, 2019

Category : Literary fiction


” If someone offered you a magic elixir that could conjure any dream you wanted… would you take it?”

This story is about Robert Owens, a travelling salesman of dreams and Evie Dawson who loses her young son just after Owens enters Dawson’s town.

The story deals with the town’s newfound excitement for Owen’s wares and Evie’s need for a magic that will make her not dream at all as a coping mechanism.

The concept of a producer and salesman of dreams is very novel and that was what attracted me to this book in the first place. The idea is brilliant and so is the execution.

The relationship between emotions and dreams has been delicately and beautifully depicted.

I liked the characterisation of Evie Dawson. The grieving mother who does not scream, does not sob, just plainly accepts that her son is gone, only wants to not have dreams at all as a way to cope is touching.

Rating : 4/5 🌟

P.S. Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Books for a copy of this book

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