I won’t just stick to one genre, so stop asking me —- Guest Post by Hannah Lynn

About Hannah Lynn Hannah Lynn was born in 1984 and grew up in the Cotswolds, UK. After graduating from university, she spent ten years as a teacher of physics, first in the UK and then around Asia. It was during this time, inspired by the imaginations of the young people she taught, she began writing short stories for children, and later adult fiction. Her first novel, Amendments, was published in 2015, her latest novel, The Afterlife of Walter Augustus, is out July 2018. Now as a teacher, writer, wife and mother, she is currently living in the Austrian Alps. Twitter … Continue reading I won’t just stick to one genre, so stop asking me —- Guest Post by Hannah Lynn

The Fire Chronicles Book Tour- Guest Post by Atlanta Bushnell

Fictional siblings and why they are important to me My favourite part of any book are the characters and their own personal journeys, whatever they may be. But I did find one thing missing in a lot of teenage and young adult books: Siblings. More accurately, siblings that work together. I found in a lot of the dystopian, sci-fi and fantasy books there was a distinct lack of siblings that actually get along and help each other. There are a few out there, just not many I had stumbled upon (if you know of any good ones please let me … Continue reading The Fire Chronicles Book Tour- Guest Post by Atlanta Bushnell