i, HOLMES — Book Review

** I have received an e-ARC of this graphic novel from the publisher** Blurb: Everyone has a secret. Hers can get her killed and she doesn’t even know what it is. She was born with no parents and no name. Fighting to survive in a world of danger and intrigue is nothing new to i Rose who lives by her wits on the streets of New York, but after discovering that she’s being targeted as the descendant of someone world famous who she’s never met, i Rose realizes that life is about to become even more complicated. Review: It took … Continue reading i, HOLMES — Book Review

Writing 101 #2 – make a list

Things I like — I like collecting. I can’t stop collecting the freebies with my favorite biscuits or cereal or even the McDonald’s Happy meal merchandise. I’m a numismatist and a philatelist. —  I have a thing for miniature objects. I like pens smaller than normal, I have around 4-5 miniature diaries (God knows what I want to write in them). I like babies, I enjoy playing with them. — I like buying and reading novels. Whenever I pass by a book store, I always have a strong temptation to buy at least one – I’m a book addict!!!!! Ummm…. … Continue reading Writing 101 #2 – make a list

Curious Case of……. Literature

When birthday comes and it’s time for gifts, I want nothing but books. Birthday has become an excuse to buy new novels, to experience new story with the new year of my life. Only a week left for my birthday, and here I am in a bookstore to buy myself birthday gifts on behalf of Mom and Granny. You know, one of the biggest problems with me is, whenever I enter a bookstore I am so confused about which book to buy, which book to select, which to reject. There are those vampire fictions which I haven’t read yet and, … Continue reading Curious Case of……. Literature

10 books that have changed/inspired me

My Facebook friends had challenged me to write the name of 10 books that have changed/influenced me. I successfully completed the challenge. I thought I should share with my blogger friends too. So the list goes: 1. David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)- I had read this book for the first time in fifth standard. This was the first book that gave me an insight about life, the reality. 2. Love Story (Erich Segal)- I love reading romance. This is one of the reasons why. 3. Till the last breath (Durjoy Datta)- My first experience of a medical drama and it was … Continue reading 10 books that have changed/inspired me