
Golden in Death – Book Review

: Golden in Death

Author : J.D. Robb

Publisher : Piatkus, Little, Brown Book Group, UK

Published : 6 February, 2020


Doctor Kent Abner began the day of his death comfortable and content’

When Kent Abner – baby doctor, model husband and father, good neighbour – is found dead in his town house in the West Village, Detective Eve Dallas and her team have a real mystery on their hands. Who would want to kill such a good man? They know how, where and when he was killed but why did someone want him dead?

Then a second victim is discovered and as Spring arrives in New York City, Eve finds herself in a race against time to track down a serial killer with a motive she can’t fathom and a weapon of choice which could wipe out half of Manhattan.


Golden in Death is the 50th book in the In Death series by J.D. Robb. That’s massive. I didn’t know that when I was reading it. So I don’t think it should intimidate anyone about catching up with the series. This was my first read in the series and I felt it works as a standalone.

I found the idea of chemical weapon quite interesting. The breaking in and killing has become quite a common thing. I have read mostly private detective mystery books so for a change, an NYPSD detective was a good change, got to experience police procedural.

The story is set in the 2060s, but it didn’t seem much futuristic, it felt I’m reading a present day story.

I also liked the fact that in spite of being a detective she’s not a loner. She has a married life. And the fact that the detective is a she, adds to my like list. Apart from Miss Marple I haven’t yet read about a female detective.

The mystery element is brilliant, everybody seems the culprit but it’s hard to pin point the one. The pace is good, the writing is crisp as is expected from a good mystery novel. You will want to read every paragraph, every page. I didn’t feel “cut the crap and come to the point” for once.

The “can’t put it down” factor is also amazing. You’ll find yourself at an edge.

Golden in Death does not only tell you about the murder cases, the victims and the murderer but also explores the truth seeker.

My Rating : 4/5 🌟

P. S. I had received a digital review copy of this book through NetGalley. Thank you Piatkus.

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    Published by Priya Bhowal

    I am Priya from India. I am a Book Reviewer, Beta Reader and Copyeditor. I love books so I work with them and write about them.

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